Engines and Insects

The Engines and Insects exhibition is part of Open Bridges, a growing series of photographs of the landscape and buildings on the journey down the River Hull as never seen before.

HIP Fest Open Bridges- Engines and Insects 2

Rich took the photographs on the Open Bridges barge journey down the River and then transformed them into patterns in the style of photographer Horst P Horst’s ‘Patterns from Nature’ (1946), originally inspired by Karl Blossfeldt at the turn of the 20th century. He carefully made each image by taking a section of the original source photograph and manipulating it digitally using basic darkroom techniques of splitting, mirroring and tessellating the image to create the exhibition pieces.

This is a view of Hull Tidal Barrier never seen before, the latest of Rich’s ‘Engines and Insects’ photographic images for Open Bridges. Rich took the original photograph of the underside of the Tidal Barrier from the deck of the MV Syntan as they sailed down the river for the Open Bridges test run.

Here are some more of the Engines and Insects exhibition pictures,taken as part of Open Bridges. See if you can work out what part of the journey they are taken from…(click on the image for the answer)

Open Bridges concept and management – Rich and Lou Duffy-Howard

Open Bridges Hull: For the first time in the city’s history all 13 of Hull’s bridges raised, swung or closed simultaneously splitting the city in two at 20:17 hours on the autumnal equinox 2017 during Hull City of Culture’s Freedom Season.